Nedidelis fotoreportažas iš Užupio kapinių.
This is a little photo gallery from Uzupis cemetery in Vilnius.
Laidojimo tradicijos Lietuvoje kito su laiku. XVIII a. buvo uždrausta laidoti rūsiuose. XIX a. kapines buvo liepta perkelti už miesto. 1810 m. įkurtos Užupio Bernardinų kapinės, o senosios, prie Šv. Onos ir Bernardinų bažnyčių, buvo uždarytos (dabar ten eina Maironio gatvė, nebėra originalios varpinės).
Burial traditions in Lithuania have changed several times. Burial in vaults was banned in the XVIII th. century. In the XIX th. century city cemeteries were moved outside the city boundaries. Uzupis Bernardine cemetery was founded in 1810, and the old one, by the churches of St. Anne and Bernardines, was closed (now Maironis street runs there and the original belfry hasn't survived).
Keletas nuorodų į kitų kelionių tinklaraštininkų reportažus apie kapines:
Links to other travel blogs featuring posts about cemeteries:
A Dangerous Business: Merry Cemetery, Romania
Travel generation: The One Travel Destination We'll All End Up Seeing ir A Miraculous Cuban Love Affair
On the Luce: The Prague Jewish Cemetery ir Ornate Paris Cemeteries
1 Dad, 1 Kid, 1 Crazy Adventure: Where the Kings Sleep
Santa Fe Travelers: Photo of the Week: Daisy Stark, Como Colorado
Emm in London: A Visit to the Garden of Tears: Highgate Cemetery
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